
Study Abroad Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know

Study Abroad Scholarships
Study Abroad Scholarships

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that allows students to gain new perspectives, enhance their skills, and broaden their horizons. However, the cost of studying abroad can be a significant barrier for many students. Fortunately, various study abroad scholarships are available to help students achieve their academic goals.

This blog post will explore the world of study abroad scholarships, highlighting the different types of scholarships available, the eligibility criteria, and the application process. We will also provide tips and advice on increasing your chances of securing a scholarship, highlighting some of the most popular study abroad scholarships.


Whether you’re a high school student looking to study abroad for a semester, a college student seeking to pursue a degree abroad, or a graduate student wanting to further your studies in a foreign country, this blog post is designed to provide you with the information and resources you need to succeed.

So, let’s start this journey and explore the world of study-abroad scholarships together.


Types of Study Abroad Scholarships

There are several types of study abroad scholarships available, including:

  • Program-specific scholarships: These scholarships are offered by specific study abroad programs and are usually need-based or merit-based.
  • University-specific scholarships: Many universities offer scholarships to students who plan to study abroad.
  • Government scholarships: Governments offer scholarships to students who want to study abroad, usually to promote cultural exchange and diplomacy.
  • Private scholarships: Private organizations and companies offer scholarships to students who want to study abroad.
  • Program-specific study abroad scholarships: These scholarships require you to participate in a specific program to receive the funding. These are often need-based and easy to apply for and receive.
  • Undergraduate study abroad grants and scholarships: These scholarships are open to students planning to study overseas.
  • Graduate-only study abroad scholarships are only available to graduating seniors and graduate students.
  • IED Undergraduate Scholarships: These scholarships are for students passionate about Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, or Communication.
  • The Global Opportunity (GO) Full-Ride Scholarship (TEAN): This scholarship is designed to allow a stand-out student to study abroad.
  • CEA CAPA Scholarships and Financial Aid: These scholarships increase access to study and interning abroad.
  • F.I.E.: These scholarships allow recipients to build their views, participate in the host culture authentically, and go on an adventure while being supported.
  • AFS-USA Grants and Scholarships: These scholarships range from $1,000 to full tuition for summer and year/semester study abroad programs.
  • AIFS Study Abroad Scholarships, Grants, and Financial Support: These scholarships support the development of personal and professional skills.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for study abroad scholarships vary depending on the scholarship provider. However, most scholarships require students to:

  • Be enrolled in a study abroad program
  • Have an excellent academic record
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Show a solid commitment to their chosen field of study
  • Be a citizen of a specific country or region

Application Process

The application process for study abroad scholarships usually involves submitting an application form, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Some scholarships may also require students to take a language proficiency or a standardized test like the SAT or ACT.

Tips for Applying for Study Abroad Scholarships

  • Start early: Scholarship deadlines can be early, so it’s essential to start researching and applying for scholarships well in advance.
  • Meet the eligibility criteria: Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship you are applying for.
  • Submit a robust application: Make sure your application is complete and your statement and letters of recommendation are strong.
  • Follow instructions: Follow the application instructions carefully and submit all the required documents.

Some famous study abroad scholarships include:

  • Fulbright Scholarship: The U.S. government offers this scholarship to students who want to study abroad for a master’s or Ph.D.
  • Chevening Scholarship: The U.K. government offers this scholarship to students who want to study abroad for a master’s degree.
  • Erasmus Scholarship: The European Union offers this scholarship to students who want to study abroad in Europe.
  • Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship: The U.S. government offers this scholarship to students who want to study abroad and receive a Federal Pell Grant.
  • IED Undergraduate Scholarships: These scholarships are for students in design, fashion, visual arts, or communication.
  • The Global Opportunity (GO) Full-Ride Scholarship (TEAN): For stand-out students in any T.E.A.N. program.
  • CEA CAPA Scholarships and Financial Aid: For students in programs three weeks or more.
  • FIE Scholarships: Students who want to study abroad and participate in the host culture.
  • AFS-USA Grants and Scholarships: For students of summer and year/semester study abroad programs.
  • AIFS Study Abroad Scholarships: These scholarships are for students who want to study abroad and do internships.
  • GLA IDEA Scholarship: For students who identify as people of color and show financial need.
  • Arcadia Abroad Scholarships: For all current Arcadia Abroad applicants.
  • Semester Scholarships: For students who need financial aid.
  • I.F.S.A. Scholarships: For students in January term, semester, year, and summer programs.
  • Global Access Initiative Grant: For students who show financial need.
  • ISA Diversity Scholarship: For students with identities historically underserved in education abroad.
  • Global Experiences Generation Study Abroad Scholarship: This scholarship is for students in any of the organization’s 11 international cities.
  • Verto Opportunity Grant: For students who have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0.
  • CET Academic Programs Scholarships: These scholarships are for students in high school abroad, gap year abroad, and college study abroad programs.
  • CISabroad Scholarships: For all CISabroad students.
  • Inclusive Engagement Scholarship: This scholarship is for students with underrepresented identities.
  • AIFS Diversity Achievement Scholarship: This scholarship is for students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in education abroad.
  • SIT Robert Kantor Memorial Scholarship: For first-generation college students who have never traveled abroad.
  • The School for Field Studies Scholarships: Students who receive financial aid from their home institutions.
  • IES Abroad Scholarships: For students in diversity scholarships and grants.


Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be expensive. Fortunately, various study abroad scholarships are available to help students achieve their academic goals. Students can increase their chances of securing a scholarship by understanding the different types of scholarships, the eligibility criteria, and the application process.

Remember to start early, meet the eligibility criteria, submit a robust application, and follow instructions carefully. Good luck!


Q: What are the eligibility criteria for study abroad scholarships?

A: The eligibility criteria vary depending on the scholarship provider, but most scholarships require students to have an excellent academic record, demonstrate financial need, and show a solid commitment to their chosen field of study.

Q: How do I apply for study abroad scholarships?

A: The application process usually involves submitting an application form, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Some scholarships may also require students to take a language proficiency or a standardized test like the SAT or ACT.

Q: What are some famous study abroad scholarships?

A: Some famous study abroad scholarships include the Fulbright Scholarship, Chevening Scholarship, Erasmus Scholarship, and Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.

Q: When should I start applying for study abroad scholarships?

A: Scholarship deadlines can be early, so it’s essential to start researching and applying for scholarships well in advance.

Q: How can I increase my chances of securing a study abroad scholarship?

A: By understanding the different types of scholarships, the eligibility criteria, and the application process, students can increase their chances of securing a scholarship. Remember to start early, meet the eligibility criteria, submit a robust application, and follow instructions carefully.

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